In The Sea You´ll Find Me



If you are interested in being a part of this project, are interested in getting more information about it, or would like to support this project in any way, please don´t hesitate to contact us. 


We are currently raising funds for our postproduction.

¨In The Sea You´ll Find Me¨ is a documentary film about a young Mexican surfer named Walter Caloca who died in June 2010. The film follows the organization of a surf ritual known as ¨paddle out¨ - the largest of its kind in Mexico, and the first movie to document such an event.


You can stay updated on our project by following us here on Facebook.


¨En el Mar me encontrarás¨ es un documental sobre la vida de un joven surfista Mexicano llamado Walter Caloca, fallecido en Junio del 2010. La película muestra la organización de un ritual surfer conocido como ¨Paddle out¨ - el mayor creado en México, y el primero en ser documentado en una película.


Puedes mantenerte informado sobre el estado del proyecto siguiéndonos aquí en Facebook.

In The Sea You´ll Find Me